Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Flower Badge

Image result for girl scout flower badge

It was great seeing the girls today!  We were able to work on some of the requirements of the flower badge.  The Girl Scouts made a bookmark from flower petals and pieces of nature.  They then had the opportunity to put together a floral vase to enjoy at home.  Lastly, they were able to have a little fall fun and painted a pumpkin to celebrate the founder of Girl Scouts. 

If you have an opportunity, here are some ideas on how to extend the badge with your daughter:

1.  Visit a garden center and explore flowers

2.  Plant bulbs this fall that will blossom in the spring and/or plant some herbs inside of the house that you can enjoy throughout the winter

3.  Take a look at the Birthday Flower Chart and talk about what flower is linked up to their birth month  (See Chart Below)

4.  If you have some flowers at home, let your daughter look underneath the leaves and analyze what the petals look like. 

5.  We didn't have a chance to talk about what a botanist does, but please have this conversation with your daughter and share what a botanist does. 

6.  Some questions to ask your daughter:  
  • Do you have a favorite flower? What is it and why?
  • How do flowers help people?
  • Would you like to grow flowers inside or outside and why?
  • Where and when do you think it is okay to pick flowers.  
Image result for birth month flower chart

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Savvy Shopper Badge - September Troop Meeting

We had a great September Troop meeting! We started working on the SAVVY SHOPPER Badge. The steps need to earn this badge are the following:

1. Explore your needs and wants
2. Look into why you want what you want
3. Find out what makes people happy (or not) with what they buy
4. Learn how to decide what to buy
5. Make a plan to buy something that you need or want

We started the meeting discussing the difference between a NEED and a WANT. The girls listed various NEEDS that they have and WANTS that they have.

We then broke out into stations. Due to the time, we weren't able to rotate through all of the stations. If you are able to discuss the activities and replicate them at home, that would be great!


The girls were given various grocery ads and a list of items that they need to purchase. They needed to look through the various ads and determine where was the best store to purchase that particular item. You can do this at home as well. If you want to print the sheet we used, the link is here. Just save some ads and let your daughter look through them to determine the best price.


One of the stations the girls looked at various pieces and then determined if it was a need/want for a personal trainer, scientist, web designer or fisherman. They discussed the various pieces and indicated if it was a need or want for various professionals.

BE Happy with What you Buy

We had a conversations about something that they bought that they LOVE and something that they bought that they wished they wouldn't have spent money on it. We then presented a scenarios of being stranded on a desert island. They looked at a list and had to come up with 8 items that they would wish to have with them.